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About us

The Emigration Canyon Metro Township is a Utah municipality. As such it is a governmental entity with general police powers.  It can, within its jurisdiction, create and enforce laws; and it has limited taxing power.  It was created by a vote of the residents of Emigration Canyon in 2015.  The Township is governed by an elected council consisting of five members, one of whom is selected by the others to be the chair/mayor.  The Council is the legislative body of the Township.  The chair/mayor is the chief executive officer of the Township.


The Township has all of the municipal powers available to Utah municipalities under the Utah Municipal Code with the exception of certain taxing powers.  It does not have the power to enact a property tax or a municipal energy taxes (sometimes called franchise taxes).


The Township council has the authority to enact laws and ordinances to carry out its responsibilities such as land use and development regulations (zoning). As long as these laws are not inconsistent with the Utah Municipal Code and other state statutes.

Metro Township Meetings

Our meetings have changed from the 4th Thursday of the month to the 4th Tuesday of every month.  Meeting dates and times may occasionally be rescheduled

due to conflicts. 


We meeting the fourth Tuesday of every month (via Zoom)  |  7:00 - 9:00 PM

Topic: Emigration Canyon Metro Township Council Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 833 2845 1408

One tap mobile +16699009128,,83328451408#

Find your local number:



Learn about water quality in Emigration Canyon, Learn what you can do to improve the water quality in the creek,  

*Refer to News & Notices


Fireworks are restricted in Emigration Canyon

*Refer to News & Notices


The Salt Lake County Urban Wildlife Assistance Program was born out of an agreement with the USDA Wildlife Services and Salt Lake County Animal Services. The goal is to assist homeowners and business owners as well as Salt Lake County and City Animal Services with the proper management and control of skunks and raccoons which are considered vertebrate pests in Utah and are not managed by the Utah State Department of Wildlife Resources (UDWR).


Chiefs release video explaining the extreme risk of fireworks-related fires 


Salt Lake County, UT—The Salt Lake Valley Fire Chiefs joined together to release a video urging citizens to skip personal fireworks over the upcoming holiday celebrations, citing risks from extreme drought conditions. 


The Chiefs are encouraging residents to celebrate by attending one of the many professional fireworks shows that being held locally. 


“With the current extreme drought conditions, we have real concerns that our fire personnel will be inundated with fireworks-related incidences,” said Terry Addison, Chair of the Salt Lake Valley Fire Alliance and South Salt Lake Fire Chief. “Even in areas where fireworks are allowed, there are extreme risks of fires. 


Emergency situations created by the use of personal fireworks are avoidable if residents choose to celebrate the holidays in other ways. The Salt Valley Chiefs are asking citizens to skip personal fireworks this year and allow local fire departments to focus on other emergency situations.


The video also encourages citizens to use the non-emergency dispatch numbers to report illegal fireworks. Please call 801-799-3000 for Sandy and Salt Lake City and 801-840-4000 for the rest of the valley. 911 should only be called to report fires or injuries.

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The National Weather Service issues Red Flag Warnings & Fire Weather Watches to alert fire departments of the onset, or possible onset, of critical weather and dry conditions that could lead to rapid or dramatic increases in wildfire activity.

A Red Flag Warning is issued for weather events that may result in extreme fire behavior that will occur within 24 hours. A Fire Weather Watch is issued when weather conditions could exist in the next 12-72 hours. A Red Flag Warning is the highest alert. During these times extreme caution is urged by all residents because a simple spark can cause a major wildfire. A Fire Weather Watch is one level below a warning, but fire danger is still high.

The type of weather patterns that can cause a watch or warning include low relative humidity, strong winds, dry fuels, the possibility of dry lightning strikes, or any combination of the above.

Unified fire Authority (UFA) has specific response packages depending on the situation. When there is an “outside fire,” meaning a fire not involving a structure or vehicle, UFA will send specific fire apparatus to respond to the fire. Outside fires are divided into “field fires” and “wildland-urban interface fires or WUI fires” Field fires are those that occur in the valley west of Wasatch and Foothill Blvd, north of 13000 south, and east of U-111. A WUI fire is one that occurs east of Foothill and Wasatch Blvd, south of 13000 South, west of U-111.

A normal response for a field fire is one type 1 engine (one that is normally used for structure fires) and one type 6 engine, also known as a grass truck. A type 6 engine is a pick-up style truck with a 250-gallon water tank, separate external motor, and pump, and hose and is designed to go off-road to fight field fires.

If red flag conditions exist, VECC fire dispatch will send two type 1 engines and two type 6 engines to the same size fire because of the potential erratic and rapid fire spread.

The WUI environment presents its own challenges and potential for increased fire behavior therefore if a fire is reported in the WUI, the normal response is one battalion chief, three type 1 engines, two type 6 engines, one water tender (a large tanker truck that carries 3000 gallons of water), and the Wild Land Duty Officer (WLDO). If red flag conditions exist, the response package will be two battalion chiefs, four type 1 engines, three type 6 engines, one water tender, and the WLDO.

The purpose of increasing the size of the response is to mitigate the situation as quickly as possible before the fire gets out of control and does even more damage. The Camp Fire near Paradise California spread so fast that from the time the fire was called in until the town of Paradise was engulfed in flames was around 45 minutes. Red flag conditions were present that day and flames were pushed by 35-50 mph winds. 

A little background on what the WLDO is and does. UFA has a WLDO on duty at all times. This person has many years of experience fighting wildland fires and has vast experience in leadership positions within the wildland fire fighting structure. Working with State and Federal agencies, UFA has a unique relationship where traditional notification pathways can be circumvented and the WLDO can call for additional resources to fight WUI fires without getting caught up in “red tape.” The most important resource a WLDO can call for is aircraft to help fight the fire. Aircraft, both fixed-wing and helicopters, are very expensive but also very effective. They can be in high demand during the fire season and difficult to acquire because they are already committed to another fire. Based on the judgment of the UFA WLDO, if aircraft are necessary because of “values at risk,” meaning your home, aircraft may be diverted from another region to Emigration Canyon. No other fire department in the region has this kind of relationship with State and Federal agencies.

Red Flag conditions are very concerning. The slightest spark can set off a detrimental event. With over half of wildland fires being human-caused we ask that everyone be extra cautious during a red flag warning. Emigration Canyon will notify residents that red flag conditions exist through a CodeRED notification. The national weather service will also state when red flag conditions exist. If you haven’t signed up for CodeRED notifications in Emigration Canyon, you may do so by clicking the CodeRED button on the quick link tabs above.

Respectfully submitted,

Captain Michael Conn 

Unified Fire Authority 

Emigration Canyon Liaison

Cell: 801.809.2210

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“Design-Build Renovation of existing historic WPA Restroom at the Pinecrest Junction in Emigration Canyon”

Due Date Extended to June 16th, 2021

Click the links below to download and print.

Request for Proposal, “Design-Build Renovation of existing historic WPA Restroom at the Pinecrest Junction in Emigration Canyon," May 28, 2021

Addendum No. 1 - Issued May 28th, 2021

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Council Member – At Large (four-year term)

Council Member – At Large (four-year term)

Pursuant to UCA 10-3-301 Notice-eligibility and residency requirements for elected
municipal office, notice is given:  The Emigration Canyon Metro Township will hold a municipal general election on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.

Dates for filing a Declaration of Candidacy:  Tuesday, June 1, 2021 – Monday, June 7, 2021

Declaration of Candidacy Forms or Nomination Petitions cannot be done electronically and must
be filed in person with the Salt Lake County Clerk’s Office, 2001 South State Street, S1-200,
Salt Lake City, UT, Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Contact information for the Salt Lake County Clerk’s Office:
Office Tel: 385-468-7400


Questions pertaining to candidate eligibility can be directed to the Salt Lake County Clerk’s Office at 385-468-7400. The Salt Lake County Clerk’s Office is located at 2001 State Street South Building, First Floor, S-1- 200, Salt Lake City, UT 84190. The office of the Salt Lake County Clerk will be open Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of Candidate Declaration.  The deadline to submit Declaration of Candidacy forms is no later than 5:00 p.m. on June 7, 2021.



August 10, 2021, 2021


November 2, 2021

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Road Construction

The pages are under construction, please check back soon.

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The eastbound or traffic coming up Canyon will be closed from 8:00 - 11 am on Saturday, April 3 due to the

Sports-AM Emigration Canyon Half and 10K Marathon.

The westbound lane will remain open for traffic going down Canyon.  During the Marathon, the Canyon will be accessible via Parley's exit 134

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As part of its commitment to provide safe, reliable, and efficient energy to our customers, Rocky Mountain Power is undertaking a series of transmission and distribution line modification and reconstruction projects in order to mitigate wildfire risk along with the wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas along the Wasatch Front. One of those areas is Emigration Canyon.

 In June 2020 Rocky Mountain Power filed a “Wildland Fire Protection Plan” with the Utah Public Service Commission, which was approved in October 2020. The plan represents the Company’s planned responses, here in Utah, to increased wildfire risk in the Western United States. Rocky Mountain Power has closely followed the actions taken by other regional utilities and has created its own response designed to meet Utah’s specific wildfire risk profile.

The plan identifies Fire High Consequence Areas (FHCAs), which are areas where a higher likelihood of wildfires coincides with population centers. In those areas, it proposes enhanced environmental monitoring systems including soil moisture monitors, enhanced vegetation management guidelines, new inspection protocols, new operational practices, and extensive system hardening measures. The system hardening measures take a variety of forms, including the installation of new non-combustion fuses, covered distribution lines, fire-resistant pole wraps or coatings, and, in certain cases, the full reconstruction of a given transmission or distribution line.

Below is a summary of Wildland Fire Protection Plan activities that are completed and/or planned for Emigration Canyon, which is in a FHCA.

Completed Activities: 

Emigration Canyon (Sunnyside to Pinecrest)

  • Approximately 2 miles of overhead Hendrix (covered conductor) replacement has been installed in 2021; approximately .5 miles of underground replacement was installed in 2020

Planned Activities:

Emigration Canyon (Pinecrest to I-80)

  • This project will include 4.5 miles of replacement along the road. The existing line to be removed and newly constructed.  

  • Approximately 3 miles of overhead replacement. Timeline TBD for supply reasons.

  • Approximately 1.5 miles will be underground. RMP installed the conduits in 2020 but has yet to install the conductor. Timeline TBD due to delays on overhead portions. 

Pinecrest and Killyons Canyons:

  • Pinecrest: Approximately 3 miles of underground replacement, tentatively scheduled for 2021. Including approximately .3 miles of overhead replacement for which timeline is TBD for supply reasons.

  • Killyons: Approximately .75 miles of underground replacement tentatively scheduled for 2021.

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There is a scheduled road closure of part of Emigration Canyon Road on Wednesday, February 10th. From 8:30 am until 4:30 pm.  Emigration Canyon Road will be closed in both directions between Quarter Mile Lane and the junction at Pinecrest. Newman Construction is setting new power poles for Rocky Mountain Power and will have large equipment on the road.  

During this closure, traffic from Pinecrest and Killyon’s Canyon will be detoured over the top of Little Mountain. Residents below Quarter Mile Lane heading in the direction of East Canyon or Park City will need to first go down the canyon and then proceed east on I-80.

At 4:30 PM, one-lane access through the construction zone will begin, with a flagger. Both lanes are planned to re-open by 7:00 pm that evening.

Please plan accordingly and allow additional travel time if necessary.  Click here for a plan of the site and the extent of the work.

Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during this essential work being done to upgrade our utilities.

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Read the Emigration DRAFT General Plan here:


Emigration Canyon 2020 General Plan will be the first general plan for the Municipality since it incorporated as a Metro Township in 2017. The General Plan guides the future of planning and development in Emigration Canyon. Elements that focus on Land Use, Transportation, Economic Development, Environment, and Resilience, and Infrastructure are included. Keep scrolling to learn more about the general planning process and long-range planning in Emigration Canyon.

Public input on this draft is welcome now through the upcoming Emigration Canyon Metro Township Council meeting, which will be held on

February 25, 2021, at 7:00 pm via zoom. 


Emigration Canyon is a progressive, family-oriented community with many opportunities for its residents to enjoy active, healthy, and modern lifestyles. Emigration Canyon is comprised of distinct neighborhoods with residents who are dedicated to fostering a sense of community and are actively involved in public activities. Emigration Canyon is a nationally recognized historic landmark and its residents embrace that heritage. Emigration Canyon residents enjoy and value the Canyon’s many excellent, cherished, well-maintained recreational amenities. Emigration Canyon residents are committed to maintaining and protecting the Canyon’s important ecosystems and resources.

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Governor and Utah Department of Health Issue Statewide Mask Mandate, Pause Extracurricular Activities, Ask Utahns to Limit Gatherings to Household Only.

Following weeks of continued stress on Utah’s hospital networks due to a rise in cases of COVID-19, Gov. Gary R. Herbert has declared a new State of Emergency to address hospital overcrowding. 

The situation is dire and unsustainable. We must take action now to protect our hospitals and healthcare workers and to avoid further devastation on our families, communities, and businesses. 

Along with the State of Emergency, the governor and Utah Department of Health have issued concurrent executive and public health orders to curb the surge of cases in Utah.

The orders are effective Monday, Nov. 9, and will remain in effect until Nov. 23, 2020

1. The entire state is now under a mask mandate.

2. Casual social gatherings are only allowed with people you live with until November 23, 2020. 

3. All school extracurricular activities, sports, and clubs are on hold for the duration of the orders. 

4. College students, who either live on campus or attend at least one in-person class per week, are required to be tested for COVID-19 weekly.

Read the Emergency Order

Download Flyer

Frequently Asked Questions

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10/24/2020 - EMIGRATION CANYON CLOSED TO EASTBOUND TRAFFIC from 8:00 am-12:00 pm


The eastbound or traffic coming up Canyon will be closed from 8:00 am-12 pm on Saturday, October 24th due to the Haunted Half Marathon. 

The westbound lane will remain open for traffic going down Canyon. 


During the Haunted Half Marathon, the Canyon will be accessible via Parley’s exit 134.


9/13/2020 - THIS SUNDAY, 7:00 am -3:00 pm: 


Bicycle Education Day at Little Mountain this Sunday 09/13/20.  We will have a table and canopy set up at Little Mountain to educate anyone that wants to stop.  

Image by Michael Jin
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This survey is for residents to submit damage to their home or business from the recent wind event.  You can access the survey through a link or by scanning the attached QR code.





The CodeRED Community Emergency Alert system is used by the Emigration Canyon Metro Township to notify residents and businesses of critical situations and provide information regarding necessary actions. With this system, a specific geographic area can be selected to send messages to those within that area. You can register to receive phone messages, text messages and e-mail messages in case of emergency. The system is TTY/TDD compatible.

Events that may generate a message from the CodeRED Community Emergency Alert system include:

Weather Warning

  • Severe Thunderstorm

  • Tornado

  • Flash Flood

Emergency Events

  • Evacuation Order

  • Shelter-in-Place Order

  • Water-line Break

  • Gas Leak

  • Amber Alert


  • Community events with road closures

  • Major traffic disruption

Click on the ‘CodeRED’ image, quick link or text ECMETRO to 99411 to enroll.

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Monthly CARES Act Funding Expenditures Report of the Metro Township.   Link is available on our COVID page or by clicking here.

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@ 2017 Emigration Canyon
5025 E Emigration Canyon Road 

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