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             ECMETRO LETTER COVID-19 (04,02,2020)

                           Emigration Canyon Residents,


                           We are facing challenging times at the moment, with a worldwide health                                 crisis that is unprecedented in our lifetime, leading to economic upheaval, financial instability, and widespread anxiety.


Yet there is also medical and scientific research taking place, much of it providing hope for therapies and vaccines for COVID-19. People have come together in inspiring and overwhelming displays of generosity and compassion - here in Utah, in the United States, and around the world. The human spirit is flourishing!


We want to update you on state, county, and local government information as it affects Emigration Canyon. We also want to inform you of changes to our public meetings that will allow for the physical distancing which is necessary to protect everyone's health at this time.


Friday, March 27th, Governor Herbert issued a statewide "Stay Safe, Stay Home" directive aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19. Additionally, Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson issued a public health order through the Salt Lake County Board of Health effective Monday March 30th, which further outline mandatory requirements. This includes a "stay at home" order for all residents, with the exception of "essential activities". This public health order does apply to Canyon residents through the Salt Lake County Board of Heath.


The full text the Governor Herbert's directive and Mayor Wilson's Public Health Order can be found below, as well as simplified guidelines for both statements.


Your Emigration Canyon Metro Township Council supports these recent actions, and asks that all Canyon residents do their best to adhere to the guidelines. They are critical to the effort needed to protect our citizens, and ensure that adequate health care is available to anyone who needs services, whether it be due to disease from COVID-19 or another health concern.


Township council members have been involved in the decision making process at the local, county, and state level. We will continue our involvement in this planning that will allow Utah to meet the challenge presented by this disease, including accompanying difficulties caused by economic uncertainty.


The township council meetings have traditionally been open to the public. In March, due to COVID-19 concerns, our regularly scheduled meeting was canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the abrupt cancellation of our meeting.


Going forward, until such time as the Fire Station is available again, meetings for the Metro Township Council will be held at the regularly scheduled time, which is 7 PM on the 4th Thursday of each month. They will be held in a virtual format, and will be available to all who wish to attend. Information on how to receive an invitation, which will allow you to participate via video or audio link, will be posted soon.


Please know that all normal government services will still be provided, including fire, police, and public safety services as well as waste and recycling pickup. Services such as building permits and inspections, vehicle registrations and driver's licenses, and professional licensing, assessor and auditor services are still available through the Salt Lake County offices. However, there are changes you should be aware of. The County headquarters building at 2100 S. State St. is not currently open to the public, and all services are being offered online, or over the phone. More information is available at:


At this time, no one can predict with certainty how long public health measures will be needed, nor the degree of hardship that we may face in the coming weeks and months. However, we can say with certainty that all the people involved in making Emigration Canyon a wonderful place to live will continue doing their best to ensure that essential services are provided, and that the needs of every Canyon resident are met. This includes not only your Emigration Metro Township Council, but also the Emigration Canyon Community Council, members and staff of the Emigration Improvement District, as well as many others who volunteer time to community and homeowner's association organizations.


Please, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay home as much as possible!


Mayor Joe Smolka   (

Deputy Mayor Jennifer Hawkes (

Council Member Gary Bowen (

Council Member David Brems (

Council Member Catherine (Rin) Harris (

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@ 2017 Emigration Canyon
5025 E Emigration Canyon Road 

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